Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs

Last Date to Participate In PMAY(U) Awards – 2019 Extended

More than 85 Lakh Houses Sanctioned so far

Posted On: 23 AUG 2019 7:47PM by PIB Delhi

The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Mission has achieved a significant milestone of approving more than 85 Lakh houses against a demand of about 112 Lakh houses in urban areas. Out of these, around 51 Lakh houses are at various stages of construction and around 27 Lakh houses have already been completed. For the purpose of awarding the Champions of this achievement, PMAY(U) - 2019 Award, for Beneficiaries for “Best House Construction”, has been instituted for the first time to recognise the contribution of States/UTs, Urban Local Bodies and Beneficiaries.
The overwhelming participation on the mobile app PMAY(U), which was launched by Shri Hardeep S Puri, Minister of State (I/C) for Housing and Urban Affairs, in February 2019 for direct interface of beneficiaries with the mission, has marked its reach to 85 thousand beneficiaries so far across all States/ UTs and more than 2 lakh photos have been received. This has led to the decision of extending the last date to participate in PMAY(U) awards – 2019, upto 31st August ‘2019.
It has also led to the inclusion of a new award in the category of ‘Special Awards’ wherein the State contributing maximum percentage photographs through PMAY(U) mobile app will also be awarded. The special award for beneficiaries is likely to enthuse the States / UTs to fulfil the dream of house for millions, a reality, and also encourage beneficiaries to build their house aesthetically using sustainable methods.
The highlight of the PMAY(U) awards is that it will also recognise and reward the selected beneficiaries from each State/UT under ‘Beneficiary-led Construction’ component for building their houses in a most aesthetic and innovative manner. The mobile app PMAY(U) has been designed for beneficiaries to upload high-resolution photographs and videos clips highlighting their success stories of owning a house under PMAY (U). These stories are an emotional recount of experiences such as increased self-esteem, social upliftment, sense of pride and dignity, safety and security for the family, protected environment for girl child and children’s education.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
The procedure of selection for these awards has been made transparent by linking it with the progress being uploaded in MIS system by States/UTs. The winners will be awarded during a National level Event.  




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