Ministry of Education
Several steps have been taken to promote e-Education in the country
Posted On:
17 DEC 2018 5:44PM by PIB Delhi
The key e-Learning Projects being run by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) are as follows:
- ICT in Education Curricula for School system:
ICT in Education Curricula for students, teachers and teacher educators has been developed at the national level and being implemented across the country. 805 MRPs/ KRPs of thirty six States/UTs were oriented on ICT curriculum for students and teachers and their roll out in respective states. Guidelines for teacher, student and schools on cyber safety and security have been published.
e-pathshala has been developed by NCERT (National Council for Educational Research and Training) for showcasing and disseminating all educational e-resources including textbooks, audio, video, periodicals and a variety of other print and non-print materials. So far, 3444 audios and videos, 698 e-books (e-pubs) and 504 flip books have been made available on the portal and mobile app.
A web portal called ShaGun (from the words Shaala and Gunvatta) which has two parts, one of which is a Repository of good practices, photographs, videos, studies, newspaper articles etc on school education, State /UT wise has been developed which is in public domain. Its purpose is to showcase success stories and also to provide a platform for all stakeholders to learn from each other. This also instills a positive competitive spirit among all the States and UTs.
- National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) –
The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) is an initiative to bring together all digital and digitisable resources across all stages of school education and teacher education. So far, 13635 files including 401 collections, 2722 documents, 565 interactive, 1664 audios, 2581 images and 6105 videos have been made available over the portal. State/ UTs are motivated to contribute resources on NROER and create OERs for their own State/ UT.
The ‘Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds’ (SWAYAM) an integrated platform for online courses, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and covering school (9th to 12th) to Post Graduate Level. SWAYAM provides one integrated platform and portal for online courses, using information and communication technology (ICT) and covering all higher education subjects and skill sector courses to ensure that the every student in the country has access to the best quality higher education at affordable cost. It also offers online courses for students, teachers and teacher educators. It may be accessed on Besides, National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is promoting education through e-learning methods by providing courses on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on the portal. There are 44 courses of NIOS offered on SWAYAM platform – 14 at secondary level, 16 at senior secondary level, 4 vocational courses and 10 courses of Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.).
A programme for utilization of satellite communication technologies for transmission of educational e-contents through 32 National Channels i.e. SWAYAM PRABHA DTH-TV has been launched. CIET-NCERT is the national coordinator for one DTH TV channel i.e., Kishore Manch (#31) and has started feeding a 24x7 educational TV channel w.e.f. 09.07.2018.
Everyday four hour fresh slot is telecast and repeated 5 more times in 24 hours to provide learning opportunities for the stake holders, as per their convenience. Besides, NIOS is running 5 channels for teachers, for secondary and senior secondary levels and for sign language.
- National Digital Library (NDL):-
The National Digital Library of India (NDL) is a project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. There are more than 153 Lakh digital books available through the NDL. It may be accessed on
The amount spent on e-Education projects during the FY 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and current year are as follows:
(Rs in crore)
Name of scheme
SWAYAM project
e-pathshala, NROER, MOOCs (SWAYAM)
e-learning by NIOS
These funds are not released State/UT wise.
National Council for Educational Research & Training (NCERT) has developed a team of 800 teachers as State Resource Groups (SRGs) on ICT in Education across all 36 States/ UTs. NCERT is also developing MOOCs in 12 subject areas for classes IX – XII and capacity building courses for teachers. So far, 22 courses have been developed and completed in 2 cycles on SWAYAM platform. The web portal of e-pathshala has 3.74 crore visitors, 2.18 crore YouTube views, 1.82 million app downloads and a rating of 4.4 out of 5 on Google play store and 4.5 out of 5 on windows store. Also, 35,050 users have downloaded the “PINDICS” app of e-Pathshala from Google Play Store. Besides, NIOS is providing e-education to beneficiaries which include D.El.Ed course for 13.78 lakh in-service untrained teachers, 6632 at secondary level, 9978 at senior secondary level and 2293 for vocational education through MOOCs courses.
The ICT component of Centrally sponsored scheme of Samagra Shiskha envisages covering all Government and Government Aided schools from classes VI to XII and Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs), subject to the availability of budgetary provision. Further, University Grant Commission (UGC) has notified on 4th July, 2018 the regulation regarding the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of Certificate or Diploma or Degree, through online mode, delivered through interactive technology using internet
This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Satya Pal Singh today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.
(Release ID: 1556252)
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