Ministry of Women and Child Development

Immediate action and prevention measures taken by WCD Ministry to contain the menace of fake forms in name of BBBP Scheme

Posted On: 29 DEC 2017 5:13PM by PIB Delhi

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) is a flagship programme of Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India to change the mindsets of society to value the girl child and empower her. The scheme mainly focuses on challenging mindsets and deep rooted patriarchy in the societal system, strict enforcement of PC&PNDT Act, advancing education of the girl child: focus is on issues of women empowerment on a life cycle continuum. BBBP scheme has no provision for individual cash incentive/cash transfer component by Government of India and thus is not a DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) scheme.


A fraudulent activity of duping people by some miscreants falsely promising cash benefits to girls of Rs 2 lacs each in the name of BBBP was brought to the notice of Ministry of Women and Child Development through complaints/ copies of fraudulent forms being filled by people and send to Office of Ministry of Women and Child Development. The fake forms started coming in towards end of December 2016 and increased over time. 


Lakhs of fake/illegal forms have been received by the WCD Ministry so far which were reported to have fraudulently sold in many cases and many cases by just photo copying. Thereafter details of individuals were filled and sent to the Ministry. The menace started from different districts of Uttar Pradesh and spread to other States like Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and other States in smaller numbers. The Ministry of Women and Child Development took immediate action and preventive measures to contain this menace by taking up the matter with concerned State Government Authorities where this illegal activity has taken place as reported. Letters were written to the Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries of Department of Women and Child Development and District Magistrate of various States/UTs by the Secretary and Joint Secretary of Ministry of Women and Child Development. FIRs have been filed in some districts.  A disclaimer has been uploaded on website of the WCD Ministry. Press release was also carried out in leading newspapers in Hindi and English. Ministry of Women and Child Development has also launched a media publicity campaign through Doordarshan/ AIR and other radio stations as well as through Newspapers alerting general public not to fall prey to such unscrupulous activity. Postal Department help was also sought. States also took up necessary action to contain the menace.

This information was given by Minister of State for Women and Child Development, Dr. Virendra Kumar in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.




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