Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
National Consultation on Accelerating Implementation of Urban Missions-Pmay-Urban- Strategies & Way Forward
STATES/UTS Directed to Adopt 16 Innovative Technologies for Construction of Houses Under AHP and ISSR Verticals
Posted On:
29 NOV 2017 4:39PM by PIB Delhi
Teachers, Angawadi Workers, Paramilitary Forces, State Police Departments to be Targeted to Promote Clss Vertical
Global Housing Construction Technology Challenge (GHCTC) Proposed to Identify Best Technologies for Mass Housing
A day long national Workshop on National Consultation on Accelerating Implementation of Urban Missions-PMAY(Urban) was inaugurated by Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of state for Housing and Urban Affairs(I/C) here last Friday. The Workshop chaired by Sh Durga Shankar Mishra, Secretary in the Ministry was attended by nearly 170 participants including Principal Secretary (Urban Development) of states, state Mission Directors for SBM, Municipal commissioners and other officials of cities with population of 5 lakh and above, and of nearby cities of NCR area, as well as representatives from Ministry partners. The following strategies have been suggested for moving forward: -
- States/UTs need to implement necessary land reforms to ensure that beneficiaries have valid land document (land pattas/land title).
- State/UTs shall put in place a Single-window time bound clearance system for layout approvals and Building Permissions.
- States/UTs to share their respective road map with respect to Slum Redevelopment Projects under ISSR.
- States/UTs to focus on the ISSR vertical using land as a resource with minimum relocation, make a model by leveraging value of the land. Incentives like additional FAR & TDR should be given to make the ISSR projects viable. Provide rental accommodation to the slum dwellers while resettling them in ISSR projects.
- States/UTs shall prepare a land database to ensure availability of land and facilitate ease of implementation with respect to the affordable housing.
- States/UTs may converge their states policies with new 8 PPP models and utilize suitably to promote affordable housing.
- States/UTs shall emerge with innovative strategies to promote the CLSS vertical. With the increased carpet area of MIG in CLSS (120 sq. mt for MIG -I & 150 sq. mt for MIG-II) there is a huge boost for demand in MIG sector. The States to target specific categories such as Teachers, Anganwadi workers, Paramilitary forces, State Police Depts. etc. The States/UTs shall collaborate with SLBCs and DLBCs to monitor the progress of the CLSS vertical.
- States/UTs shall adopt 16 alternate innovative modern, sustainable, green and disaster resistant technologies that have been identified and SoR of 7 technologies have already been issued. The States/UTs are encouraged to adopt these technologies for fast and quality construction of houses under AHP and ISSR verticals.
- The Ministry proposes to launch the Global Housing Construction Technology Challenge (GHCTC) to globally identify best technologies which are suitable for mass housing. Through this challenge, all entrepreneurs, technology providers, institutions, academia and other stakeholders across the globe are proposed to be invited to contribute to the future of India's Housing Development. The Ministry also proposes to conduct Region/ State wide demonstration of technologies to explore and identify appropriate technologies as a way forward.
The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has been implementing PMAY (U) which aims at providing pucca houses to all eligible urban poor including slum dwellers. A demand of around 1.2 crores houses has been assessed from the Mission Cities across all States and UTs so far. The Government is pursuing the vision of providing housing to all the urban poor in which the role of the States & UT Government is crucial. Since the launch of the Mission on 25th June 2015, a total of 30.81 lakhs houses across all verticals of the scheme have been accepted by Government of India for releasing Central assistance under PMAY (U). Currently, 15.65 lakh houses have already been grounded of which about 4.13 lakh houses have been constructed and remaining are at different level of construction. The objectives of the workshop was to understand and address the issues and concerns of the States/UTs while planning and implementing AHP & ISSR projects by states/UTs; to learn the successful models of AHP and ISSR projects being implemented in various States/UTs; to discuss on how the PPP models for AHP be used to encourage private sector participation in developing affordable housing and to learn from States/UTs on use of innovative construction technologies in AHP & ISSR verticals under PMAY (U).
In order to facilitate cross learning among States & UTs, presentations were made by States of Gujarat, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh wherein the ISSR and AHP verticals have shown good performance and are replicable models with State perspective and policy. The presenting States emphasized on the importance of strategic planning with respect to the socio economic, financial and engineering aspects to ensure that projects under these two verticals gain success. The perspective of private sector in affordable housing was also deliberated upon and was led by CREDAI and NAREDCO. The cross learning and deliberations from the consultation by both private developers and States/UTs together has been encouraging for States/UTs to develop implementation strategies of AHP & ISSR verticals.
(Release ID: 1511234)
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