Ministry of Women and Child Development

WCD Ministry invites nominations for Nari Shakti Puraskar 2017

Posted On: 12 SEP 2017 5:51PM by PIB Ahmedabad

The Ministry of Women & Child Development has invited nominations for the Nari Shakti Puraskars 2017. Government of India confers the "Highest Civilian Honor for Women" on International Women’s Day, 8th March, every year by presenting "Nari Shakti Puraskars"The objective of the award is to acknowledge and recognize the services of individuals and institutions who have made a lasting contribution to women’s empowerment. The awards are also an effort to recognize role models who act as torch bearers for the younger generation and catalysts of change in the lives of women and society at large. Through Nari Shakti Puraskar, Government of India reaffirms its commitment towards strengthening women's position in the society.

The Ministry of Women and Child Development is seeking nominations from individuals and institutions who have displayed outstanding work preferably in exceptional circumstances towards economic and social empowerment of women, effective implementation of women related legislations, gender mainstreaming, etc. In this regard, an advertisement has been published on 02nd September 2017 in leading newspapers including vernacular languages.

Last date of receipt of nominations is October 15th, 2017. The awards will be presented on 8th March 2018, the International Women’s Day.

The advertisement for calling nominations is available at and guidelines of Nari Shakti Puraskars 2017 are available at


(Release ID: 1502568) Visitor Counter : 402

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