Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Promotion of Sports
Posted On:
20 JUL 2017 3:00PM by PIB Delhi
The Minister of State (I/C) for Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Vijay Goel said in the Lok Sabha today that as sports is a State subject, the primary responsibility for promoting sports including encouraging sports among students at primary and higher secondary school level is that of States. However, Department of Sports and the Sports Authority of India supplement the efforts of the States. School Games Federation of India (SGFI) and Association of Indian Universities (AIU) have been recognized by the Government of India as National Sports Promotion Organizations (NSPOs) and are eligible for the same level of assistance as are available to National Sports Federations (NSFs).
In a written reply he said, Ministry of Human Resource Development has, inter-alia, intimated that as per the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005, Health and Physical Education is a compulsory subject upto X Class and optional subject at Higher Secondary Stage. Health and Physical Education includes age appropriate games and sports including athletics, swimming and gymnastics. National Curriculum also focuses that to transact this areas effectively, it is essential that minimum physical space and equipment’s are available in every school.
Further, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, has been enacted, making elementary education a Fundamental Right, which, inter alia, provides for
(i) a playground for each school;
(ii) A part time instructor for physical education in upper primary schools;
(iii) Supply of play material, games and sports equipment, as required, to schools.
In terms of the provisions of the RTE Act, no school shall be established or recognized unless it fulfils the norms specified in the Schedule attached to the Act.
A Scheme called “Khelo India – National Programme for Development of Sports” is being implemented by this Ministry as a Central Sector Scheme from the current financial year 2016-17. This Scheme, inter-alia, provides for holding of annual sports competitions in respect of priority and popular sports in two age groups of (i) under 14 and (ii) under 17 all over India to encourage mass participation of both boys and girls in Sports in both urban and rural areas including schools and identification of talented sportspersons. However, there is no proposal to implement schemes like ‘slum-running’ from district level to state level as of now.
Further, to promote various sports in the country apart from athletics, Sports Authority of India (SAI) is implementing the following Sports Promotional Schemes to identify talented sports person in the age group of 8-25 years and nurture them to excel at National and International level competition:
· National Sports Talent Contest Scheme (NSTC)
1. Indigenous Games & Martial Arts, (IGMA)
2. Akharas
· Army Boys Sports Company (ABSC)
· SAI Training Centre (STC)
· Special Area Games (SAG)
· Extension Centre of STC/SAG
· Centre of Excellence (COE)
· National Sports Academies (NSA)
(Release ID: 1496386)
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