The Minister of Communications Shri Manoj Sinha said that the Swachhta Campaign always gets a boost if large Departments like Posts, Telecom and its PSUs carry out intensive exercise of not only cleaning their offices, its premises, colonies but also work along with the society and community through shramdan and tree plantation activity to promote Green and clean India. Briefing the media here about the Swachhta Pakhwada observed in the Ministry from 1st to 15th July, he said that such large scale activity always plays an important role in spreading awareness on cleanliness in the remotest parts due to the vast reach of Postal and BSNL networks in every nook & corner of the country. The Minister expressed the hope that as a result of this widespread and intense activity throughout the country, a strong message has been sent to the citizens about the importance of cleanliness and they will keep up the good work throughout the year. Shri Sinha recalled that the Swachh Bharat Mission was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 2nd October 2014 with the aim to make India clean and open defecation free by 2nd October 2019 coinciding with the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Giving a detailed account of the activities undertaken during the Pakhwada, the Minister informed that the Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications (HQ) and its PSUs viz. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Mahanagar Telephone Limited (MTNL), Indian Telephone Industries Limited Limited (ITI Ltd.), Telecom Consultants India Limited (TCIL), Centre for Development (C-DOT) and Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) took active part in Swachhta Campaign and carried out cleanliness activities not only in their office premises but also in public area outside their premises. The cleanliness was focussed on office chambers, equipment, library, canteen, pathways, corridors, toilets as well as disposal of unserviceable equipment including e-waste etc. As a result of the involvement of all officers and staff, the standard of cleanliness has considerably gone up and would be continued.
In DoT (HQ), intensive cleaning activities were undertaken in indoor as well outdoor of office premises. Further, the stretch of Ashoka Road in front of Sanchar Bhawan was also cleaned up. In the run up to Pakhwara, a large amount of e-waste (Photocopiers, Computers, Printers, fax Machines, TVs) were auctioned and disposed of. More auctions are lined up for disposal of waste material from the building premises. Banners/Posters were displayed at various locations to sensitized the officials about cleanliness. An essay competitions was also organised on the role of cleanliness in nation building in order to encourage and motivate staff members to think about cleanliness.
BSNL & MTNL undertook cleanliness of their office premises as well as of equipment, Telephone exchanges, Multi Distribution Frames (MDFs) Customer Services Centre, Sanchar Haats, Inspection Quarters, Residential Colonies, public areas near the office premises. A drive was undertaken for disposal of unserviceable office equipment/furniture including e-waste in Telephone Exchanges. Swachhta message at Post Offices & letter boxes with focus on rural areas were also displayed during the pakhwada.