Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation

Committee Constituted to Prepare Draft Ganga Act Submits its Report Uma Bharti Calls it a Historic Day

Posted On: 12 APR 2017 3:14PM by PIB Delhi
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The committee constituted to prepare draft Ganga Act submitted its report to the Union Minister of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Sushri Uma Bharti in New Delhi today. Receiving the report the Minister called it a “historic day” and said that “I am very much excited to receive this report”. The Minister said that Modi Government will soon make this Act after due consultations with all stakeholders. She directed the Secretary of her Ministry to constitute a high level committee to go through the report and submit its report at the earliest. The Minister expressed the hope that sufficient provisions have been made in the draft report keeping in view the uninterrupted and clean flow of river Ganga.

The Chairman of the committee Justice Shri Girdhar Malviya (Retd.) said that it was a big challenge for them but they could meet it successfully. He thanked the officials of Union Water Resources Ministry and National Mission for Clean Ganga for their cooperation to the committee.


The committee recognized the enormous challenges being faced to maintain the wholesomeness (Nirmalta and Aviralta) of National River Ganga perpetuated due to over stressed water demand from agricultural, domestic and industrial sectors,  on one hand and realized pressure on account of sustaining the religious faith, historical and social belief  on other hand. The challenges become more complex with no possible increase in availability of water in river course in comparison to the increasing demands but on the contrary apprehension of decreasing flow owing to climate change affects.


The draft Act addresses the critical issues pertaining to National River Gaga on its Cleanliness (Nirmalta) and uninterrupted e-flow (Aviralta) and provides corresponding provisions thereof. The committee has adopted certain stricter provision to increase accountability and responsibility for use of resources made available by National River Ganga. The option and provision made in suggestive bills available with National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) were also considered and discussed by the committee.


 The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation constituted this committee in July last year to prepare draft Ganga Act. Justice Shri Girdhar Malviya (Retd.) was the Chairman of the committee. Other members were: Shri V.K.Bhasin, Ex-Secretary, Legislative Department, Govt. of India, Prof. A.K. Gosain, IIT Delhi and Prof. Nayan Sharma, IIT Roorkee. Shri Sundeep, Director, National Mission for Clean Ganga was the Member Secretary. 

             79 year old Justice Malviya who is Chairman of Ganga Mahasabha is associated with Ganga conservation movement. The Mahasabha was founded by his grandfather and founder of BHU Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya. 




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