Prime Minister's Office

English rendering of the text of PM’s address at BRICS Plenary Session

Posted On: 24 JAN 2017 9:50AM by PIB Delhi


Thank You Chairman,


  • I once again sincerely thank President Vladimir Putin for his hospitality and good arrangements. He has given us the opportunity to come and see this new area.


  • I heartily appreciate the excellent leadership provided by President Rousseff to the BRICS in the  last year ;  BRICS touched a new high. 


  • I heartily thank all my friends from BRICS for their  contribution to making the International Yoga Day on 21st June a global success.  The Yoga Day was celebrated in 193 countries and hundreds of cities.


  • BRICS is an important pillar of hope in the world; full of political security and economic challenges.


  • BRICS works  not only for BRICS countries but also for the welfare of the whole world, particularly developing countries.


  • Our discussions have been meaningful and fruitful, we had detailed discussion during the first session and even during lunch.


  • The challenges the world is facing , those are  for all the countries; hence there is an urgent need for consensus, collaboration and cooperation among all major countries.  All of you should follow international rules and norms.


  • We are meeting on the occasion of 70th anniversary of United Nations. This year the world has to take major and strong decisions on development and climate change.


  • Whatever the type of challenges, whether they are economic, social or political, we will be more successful to resolve them provided we complete the reforms in the United Nations and its Security Council in the given time frame.  If this world body wants to remain relevant in 21st century, its reforms are a  must and this has to be done  urgently.  
  • Peace and stability are the foundations  of social and economic development. We ourselves and the world is duty bound  to  effectively address the main security challenges of today; terrorism and extremism.


  • We should fight against them unitedly, without distinction between the sponsors and targeted countries. We should follow the same practice in BRICS, United Nations and its Security Council and other committees.


  • We should include poverty eradication in the post 2015 main development agenda of United Nations.


  • The successes in economic field is commendable. These include New Development Bank, the Contingency Reserve Fund, Export Credit Insurance, Financing for Innovation and new proposal for customs cooperation and Reinsurance pool.


  • BRICS economic cooperation strategy is a milestone in the path of progress for BRICS. This also includes many social initiatives. I am glad that the India’s proposal submitted at Fortalza has been included in this. In our restricted session on economic cooperation I have given a suggestion for cooperation between BRICS countries for BRICS trade fair. BRICS Railway Research Centre and Supreme Audit Institutions.


  • Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world. BRICS countries are required to initiate a big program to make renewable energy cheap and available to all and also for developing energy efficient technologies. This is the way to adopt clean energy. I want that the first big project on clean energy is funded by New Development Bank and it will be a very good idea if our five countries execute it jointly.


  • By the end of this year BRICS countries are required to establish better coordination between them so that a meaningful and ambitious agreement in Paris could be reached.


  • We can think of BRICS digital initiative, in which our capabilities could be utilized as a new development alternative for the developing countries. With the use of digital technology we can make delivery of services in the area of development more efficient. This apart financial inclusion and empowerment could be increased.


  • Last year, I spoke about focussing our attention on the youth. BRICS countries will also have to focus their attention on women empowerment initiatives in their own countries as well as in the developing world.




  • We have discussed the issue of migration. Keeping in mind the demographic trends in the world over, migrations could be a source of strengthening global economy and bringing balance into it .


  • On the other hand there are some humanitarian issues that arise from wars and poverty. United Nations should give them  due consideration.


  • We welcome the initiative of Russia for arranging the first meeting of BRICS Heads of Migration Services to establish BRICS Standing Working Group on Migration.


  • In the area of agriculture all of us  are equally strong  and in many areas we are on the first place globally. I propose the setting up of  BRICS Agriculture Research Centre  which will be a great gift to the whole world.


  • Similarly we can think of making such an arrangement, in which we can invest in agricultural infrastructure and production in land rich countries and then send the excess produce to the deficit countries. This will be the second  important step.


  • Water shortage  is a big challenge for future. In developing countries the main challenges are of availability of water, its better use, arranging drinking water. This is such an area in which  all of us have good experience and expertise. As such, we can bring in a change in the scenario in our countries as well as in other countries.


  • I also propose to make a forum to  connect our borders or states and local governments with each other. They can learn much more from each other. Urbanization is a big challenge, but it can be a big opportunity in coming decades. We can learn much more from each other by initiating a process of conversation and cooperation among cities.


  • Some of the BRICS members are sports powerhouses. We have to establish BRICS sports council, under whose banner an annual BRICS sports meet could be organized in a particular game. As a beginning we can organize football meet in India next year. This is the game which is popular in all BRICS countries.


  • To end, I once again congratulate President Putin for this successful summit. I believe, the commitment and resolution that is witnessed  among BRICS members will take BRICS to a  new height. and we will be able to contribute significantly to global welfare.


  • Next year I will get the opportunity to welcome you in India. I invite you all for next BRICS meeting in India.


  • Before I finish my speech, I have a good topic for deliberation in the next session;  we can think of BRICS film festival. I have another suggestion that if we can start film awards for BRICS,  I think, we can promote it in a big way because while  film making can become a part of cultural activity it can also become an avenue for knowing  each other. So, we can think over it. I once again express my heartiest gratitude to president Putin and you all.


Thanks a lot.





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