Vice President's Secretariat
Text of Vice-President’s address at the 4th Convocation Ceremony of the Masters' Union in Gurgaon(Excerpts)
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12 JAN 2025 2:24PM by PIB Delhi
Very warm good morning to all of you.
I refer to single party governance, because in 1989 I was elected to parliament. I was part of a government that had more than 20 parties and I was a junior parliamentary affairs minister. No one knows the pressures more than I do. And that continued for the next about three decades, till we had this. Therefore, I refer to 2014.
That they must live to their oath, they must discharge their constitutional orderment, they must acquit on the anvil of their obligations. This country that has a civilisation depth of 5,000 years, we need to exemplify to the world what is the very best, so that the world can emulate.
You are the most impactful stakeholder of governance, you are the engines of growth. If Bharat has to be a Viksit nation, a Viksit Bharat at 2047, the challenge is daunting, we are already fifth largest global economy, on way to being third but income` has to rise eightfold that's a big challenge. People have tested growth over 10 years. 500 million people getting into banking inclusion, 170 million getting gas connections, 120 million households getting toilets. Now their thirst is more. Their expectations are on the rise not in arithmetic form, but in geometric form.
The situation was very different, let me tell you, boys and girls, in 1989 to 1990, when I was a member of parliament. Can you imagine what was the power of a member of parliament then? We had the supreme power then, that each member of parliament had the authority to give 50 gas connections in a year and 50 telephone connections that was our power and we relished it, we cherished it, and we used it with authority.
In 1990, I was part of the government when सोने की चिड़िया कहलाने वाले देश का सोना was airlifted to be placed in two Swiss banks because our foreign exchange was around 1 billion US dollars, you know what it is now 680, 700, anything. In a week you can have an addition of 6 billion US dollars.
I did go to Kashmir then along with the council of ministers led by the prime minister. We stayed at a hotel by Dal Lake. We could hardly see dozens of people on the streets and just imagine, last year, 20 million tourists went to Jammu and Kashmir.
हमारा भारत बदल रहा है। हमारा भारत मेरे जैसे लोगों के लिए इतना बदल गया कि हमने कभी कल्पना नहीं की थी, सपना नहीं लिया था, सोचा नहीं था। हमारा भारत आज दुनिया के लिए एक उदाहरण बन गया है।
No nation in the world has grown as fast, as stable as India in the last decade. जब नज़र दौड़ाते हैं तो जल, थल हो, आकाश हो, अंतरिक्ष हो, हम बुलंदियां छू रहे हैं। ऐसी परिस्थिति में अब requirement क्या है? Human resource of your kind, क्योंकि अब लोगों की expectations बहुत high हैं। Those expectations have to be satisfied. You have to think out of the box and I therefore congratulate Partham and his team for taking this great initiative.
When the idea occurred, let me tell you, today is a great day and I say so because it is the youth day. But what did Viakhanand say? He moved the entire humanity with India's inclusivity at Chicago. Examine, His main focus was inclusivity and I will give some quotes from him.
One. “Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.”
It should be your motto, he believed once you are arisen, you are awake, then your goal will surely be reached. Talk to yourself at least once a day, this is a caution to those who talk to themselves all through the day. So once a day because then you will find the intelligent man you are looking for is within you.
The most intelligent man who can counsel you, the person who can counsel you to be gender neutral, is within you and his message that has impressed me most. How can you believe in God if you don't believe in yourself? Belief in yourself is not optional. It is compulsive and before growing outside, you have to grow within. Then I thought, these crazy people who got together, can they fructify dreams of Vivekanand? Or ground realise it ? So I studied yesterday overnight and I was greatly impressed.
Your vision to iterate an education model that maximises human potential, very sublime, very thought provoking. A lot, ten years government has taken several initiatives and policies to develop an ecosystem that every young mind can exploit his or her potential, talent, and thereby realise dreams and aspirations. Because realisation is must but realisation can take place only when there is ecosystem and in last decade something good has emerged. Our youth are anti-patronage because they are pro-merit, they believe in meritocracy. Now you have three things which you never dreamed of. At least my generation did not have the benefit of those things.
One, equality before law, you may be anybody.
Now you are equal before law. High and mighty are feeling heat of law because equality has to be a ground realisation, not just a constitutional assurance. That equality is being seen by all of us.
Second, which is more important, patronage is no longer password for a job or opportunity. It is not merit and merit alone and third, there was a time when power corridors were leveraged by corrupt elements. They leveraged extra-legally decision-making. Those power corridors have been sanitised. Rest is left for master's union to fructify because the environment has been made available.
When I came to your mission, mission of master's union, the mission was to build a globally eminent institution that continuously challenges pedagogy and processes to deliver unparalleled human growth. It encapsulates a sense of growth of society, every word of it.
Sometimes we think I can't do it, sometimes the recognition comes late, sometimes people recognise your worth after you are gone. You would have seen some of the most celebrated figures in the world recognition came to them posthumously.
हम भी अपने देश में काफी बार देरी कर देते हैं। Dr. B. R. Ambedkar को भारत रत्न बहुत पहले मिलना चाहिए था, जीते जी मिलना चाहिए था। पर उनको कब मिला, यह coincidence है। मैं Member of Parliament और मंत्री था, इसकी वजह से नहीं था। हाल ही में हमने देखा होगा चौधरी चरण सिंह The fifth prime minister of the country, Karpuri Thakur कब दिया उनको? मैं तो मेरा सौभाग्य मानता हूं कि देर आए, दुरुस्त आए पर जब यह घटना हुई, अच्छी घटना हुई, सुखद घटना हुई, डॉ. आंबेडकर जी के समय में मैं मंत्री था और लोकसभा का सदस्य था और कर्पूरी ठाकुर जी और चरण सिंह जी को जब यह अलंकरण दिया गया, पूरे देश के अंदर हर्ष की लहर फैली। तब मैं राज्यसभा का सभापति और भारत का उपराष्ट्रपति हु।
The times have now changed, have it from me recognition will come during your time if you work hard. You have to break the ceiling. People think ceiling can't be broken. As a matter of fact, they don't exist. Now, I came to gather that your objective, which was spelled out by Pratham, and that is to be one of the top ten business schools. Why not? It will happen sooner than you think I know It. You can't have another example than myself, let me tell you.
I was in a village, travelling 4-5 kilometres to study in class 6 suddenly, there was an advertisement Sainik School Chittorgarh. I went took the examination. गांव में तो ABCD छठी क्लास मे पढ़ाते हैं। मैं तो छठी में गया ही था, तो मुझे तो ABCD ही नहीं आती थी Sainik School की Language थी English थी। Let me tell you boys and girls an example. Our principal was was Cambridge educated. He came to the classroom riding on a horse. He was a good horse rider, he came to my room. On the board was the definition of atom. I had good memory, the teacher said, Atom is the smallest particle of matter, I remembered. कर्नल साहब की नजर मेरे पर पड़ी और कहां Define the atom. I shot back with power, Atom is the smallest particle of matter. He thought the boy is very brilliant, of course, I was.
He called me at his house, पूरे स्कूल के अंदर हंगामा हो गया कि इसको ब्लैकलिस्ट कर दिया गया है। But that man changed my life because he handheld me. In two years time, I was fully aware. Masters Union does nothing but handhold competent people who are asked to contribute to make available to you by your capacity empowerment. This experiment is unique.
अपने देश के अंदर एक बहुत सिंपल सी चीज है। हम बहुत जल्दी ideologise करते हैं, iconise करते हैं, और यह कभी नहीं पूछते कि यह बड़ा वकील क्यों है, यह बड़ा नेता क्यों है, यह बड़ा डॉक्टर क्यों है, यह बड़ा जनरलिस्ट क्यों है। हम तो मानकर चलते हैं कि यह है। Masters Union is questioning it and I appreciate it. You must ask questions. Why?
एक जमाना था, व्यापार कौन करेगा? व्यापारिक परिवार हैं, व्यापारिक घराने हैं, उनके गढ़ हैं, वही करेंगे। जैसे राज करते थे, feudal lords, डेमोक्रेसी ने पॉलिटिक्स को democratic कर दिया। You are going to democratise the economic, industrial, commercial and business landscape of the country. आज के दिन बहुत बड़ी छलांग लगाने के लिए Have it from me. You don't need lineage, you don't need family name, you don't need family capital. You need an idea which is not the preserve of anyone in exclusivity. If an idea occurs to you, please don't make your brain parking station for that idea.
दो चीजों का बड़ा डर मुझे लगता था, और मैं बच्चों को कहता हूं, मैं सदा कक्षा में फर्स्ट रहा और मुझे डर लगता था कि मैं फर्स्ट नहीं रहूंगा तो क्या होगा? इस डर के साथ मै जिया, और मैंने बहुत कुछ खोया। So, I start telling boys and girls now, in all institutions, don't be crazy for number one position. It is good if you are amongst the five ten. I appreciate to be one of the top ten business schools that's a good model. Never be obsessed with one, two, three. You will automatically be there if you are not obsessed.
Look around. Look around and you will find our start-ups, unicorns. Look at the global corporates that have dominated global landscape in economics for the last three decades. वह कौन है? वह डिग्री होल्डर नहीं है, They have capacity certifications जो Masters Union देती है.
Would I look to a driving licence while hiring a driver or look at his competency in driving? That's what is required. Each one of you and I would strongly urge the founder, please tell our boys and girls the government policies that are affirmative. उनका उपयोग नहीं हो रहा है, आप स्टार्टअप करते हो get it registered. पहली बार, एक नोबेल स्कीम है which is प्रो स्टार्टअप है when it comes taxation, आप खुद choose करेंगे 3 साल के बाद मेरा स्टार्टअप ज्यादा इनकम देगा तो उसे विंडो को आप सेलेक्ट कर सकते हो। to get the advantage.
There are a number of opportunities, blue economy, our ISRO is getting accolades. Chandrayaan 3 was a great success but some people rightly and some wrongly assessed Chandrayaan 2. कुछ ने कहा, गिलास आधा भरा है, कुछ ने कहा, 3 सेकंड के अंदर सब कुछ खत्म हो गया, Land ही नहीं कर पाया। Failure is a myth. Failure is a step for success, failure sometimes is unavoidable, failure is a learning experience, failure is not to distract you or depress you or to keep you away from your pursuit.
Never ever boys and girls have fear of failure, एक्सपेरिमेंट कीजिए, इनोवेटिव रहिए, आगे बढ़िए। Second, indispensability of human resources is a myth इसके बिना काम नहीं चलेगा, यह नहीं है। भगवान ने तय कर रखा है, कि आपकी longevity की सीमा है, तो यह भी तय कर रखा है कि आप इंडिस्पेंसबल कैसे हो सकते हो।
Therefore, believe in yourself, no living mortal is entitled to get your respect unless you see virtue in him or her. The urge to be a psychophant or hypocrite must never be there. We must appreciate the way we think, maybe we are right, maybe we are wrong. Always lend your ears to the other point of view don't be judgemental that you alone are right. Maybe you need a correction, maybe the other point of view will enlighten you as to what can happen.
वह सोचते हैं कि कन्वोकेशन address देने वाला कोई ऐसी बात कहेगा। अब ऐसी बात तो भगवान श्री कृष्ण कह गए है गीता के 18वें अध्याय में और वह 18वें अध्याय का जो निचोड़ है, वह Master's Union का मिशन है। और वह क्या है? कि अर्जुन का लक्ष्य मछली नहीं था, मछली की आँख भी नहीं था pupil था
I wish you the very best.
Thank you so much.
(Release ID: 2092215)
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