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Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli Hosts Inaugural Event for Incoming Batches

Posted On: 25 JUN 2024 5:09PM by PIB Chennai

On the 24th of June 2024, Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli, hosted theinaugural event welcoming the new cohorts of the 14th Batch of the Post-Graduate Programme in Management (PGPM), 5th Batch of the Post-Graduate Programme in Management - Human Resources (PGPM-HR), 11th Batch of the Doctoral Programme in Management (DPM), and the 5th Batch of the Executive Doctoral Programme in Management (EDPM). The event was held with great enthusiasm. Mr. Shyam Srinivasan, MD and CEO of Federal Bank was the Chief Guest, and Mr. Vineet Saraiwala, Founder and CEO of Atypical Advantage was the Guest of Honour.


The ceremony began with the dignitaries' traditional lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. Dean Academics, Prof. Gopal V. delivered the welcome address following the lighting of the lamp.


Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh, Director of IIM Tiruchirappalli, welcomed the new batch of students and congratulated their families. He highlighted the importance of self-care, learning from peers and professors, and nurturing personal hobbies. Dr. Singh also emphasized embracing challenges and self-discovery throughout the academic journey.


The Chief Guest Mr. Shyam Srinivasan shared valuable insights with the students, emphasizing four pillars of learning:


  • Owning the moment.
  • Maintaining a growth mindset.
  • Being restless and obsessed with continuous learning.
  • The importance of networking.


Guest of Honour, Mr. Vineet Saraiwala, inspired the audience with his remarkable life story of personal and professional growth overcoming his visual challenges. Mr. Saraiwala’s passion to see an inclusive India, led to him founding Atypical Advantage. Atypical Advantage is a company dedicated to empowering differently abled individuals. Mr. Saraiwala spoke about the importance of self-belief, personal learning, and growth.


The event also included an award ceremony recognizing the students who made it to the Director's Merit List.


The vote of thanks was proposed by the Secretary of the Academic Committee, thanking dignitaries, guests, and the incoming students for making the event a grand success.


The event concluded with the mass singing of the National Anthem.




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