Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Residential Training Program for Mentors of Standard Clubs

Posted On: 08 DEC 2023 11:02AM by PIB Mumbai

Mumbai Branch Offices of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) organized a two-day Residential Training Program, for Mentors of Standard Clubs formed in schools/colleges, on 05.12.2023 and 06.12.2023. This is the sixth such training program organized by BIS, Mumbai for mentors from Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Sindhudurg and Nashik districts. The programme was attended by 49 participants. This program was conducted at Gold Finch- Hotel-Andheri (near Western Regional Laboratory, BIS), Mumbai.

During the welcome address, Sh. Sanjay Goswami DDGW, elaborated the concepts of quality and standardization and benefits of standardization etc., by giving examples from daily life. He also gave information about the standards used in practical life and some new standards like the standard for safety of toys. He discussed various activities of the Bureau which are improving our quality of life especially the scheme for hallmarking of gold, QCOs for mandatory products an others.

Highlighting the objectives of the program and explaining the activities of BIS, Shri. Satish Kumar, Scientist F/Senior Director & Head, Mumbai Branch Office-I and Shri. Sanjay Vij, Scientist F/Senior Director & Head, BIS, Mumbai Branch Office-II, informed that BIS has taken many initiatives to inculcate the concept of standardization and quality consciousness among students. This will prove to be a milestone in developing awareness about quality among the young generation and a quality ecosystem in the country.

During the training, Shri. T. Arjun, Scientist C/ Deputy Director BIS, Mumbai, steered through an over view of BIS activities, Standards in details through a presentation. He highlighted the features and usage of BIS website and BIS CARE App. He also explained the ways of effective use of BIS portals. 

Shri. Nishikant Singh Scientist C/ Deputy Director BIS, Mumbai, explained the guidelines for the formation of Standard Clubs. He explained the roles and responsibilities of the mentors of the clubs and informed that more than 7500 Standard Clubs have been formed by the Bureau in the country. Guidance was provided about the activities to be carried out in the schools by the mentors. During the training programme, many activities were done by forming different groups of all the participants. The process of formulation of standards was explained.

Shri. Shubham Chaudhary, Scientist B/Assistant Director BIS, Mumbai, explained the concept of Quality andStandardization & structure of standardization. Group activities and standard writing workshops were carried out during the programme.



Source: BIS, Mumbai/NJ/CY



सोशल मिडियावर आम्हाला फॉलो करा:@PIBMumbai   Image result for facebook icon /PIBMumbai    /pibmumbai  pibmumbai[at]gmail[dot]com  /PIBMumbai    /pibmumbai

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