Ministry of Coal
Construction of Coal Rail Corridor By Mahanadi Coal Railway Limited
Posted On:
08 AUG 2022 4:03PM by PIB Delhi
Inner Rail Corridor for a length of 68 km. is being constructed by Mahanadi Coal Railway Limited (MCRL) in two phases: -
Phase-I: Angul-Balram Rail Link ('14 KM),
Phase-ll: Balram-Putugadia-Jarapada-Tentuloi Rail Link (54 KM)
Status of Physical Progress -
Phase-I: 14 km : Construction of the entire 14 KM is in an advance stage by IRCON. Physical progress -95%. Scheduled Commissioning by IRCON: 31.07.22.
Phase-II: 54 km : Land acquisition is under process by IRCON.
Phase-I 14 km: All the land acquisition process has been completed including forestry clearance.
;Phase II- 54 km: Land acquisition is being done under Railway Amendment Act 2008. E-gazette notification under Section 20A (i) for tenancy and Govt. Non-Forest land has been published on 10.06.2022. Stage-I forest clearance has been obtained on 03.12.2021. Compliance to observation for Stage-II clearance has also been submitted. Site specification wild life management plan has also been approved by Principal Conservator of Forest (Wild life), Bhubaneswar on 21.06.2022.
This project is intended to provide common rail corridor for evacuation of coal from both CIL and non-CIL coal blocks in Talcher Coal Field Area. This project will also provide multiple entries and exit points for coal rakes for faster evacuation of coal and de-congest the Indian Railway system by avoiding concentration of rakes at limited entry and exit route from Talcher Coal Field.
Government is planning to produce coal from Talcher area by 2030, as per the details given below:-
CIL coal blocks - 182.29 MT
Non-CIL coal blocks - 87.50 MT
This information was given by the Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.
(Release ID: 1849843)
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