Ministry of Science & Technology

Webinar on ‘CSIR-CMERI Developed Municipal Solid Waste Technology’

Improper management of Solid Wastes is responsible for both Surface and Underground Water Pollution: Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI

Posted On: 17 JUL 2021 1:01PM by PIB Mumbai

Mumbai, 17 July 2021

A Webinar on ‘CSIR-CMERI Developed Municipal Solid Waste Technology’ for Municipal Corporations, District Administrations, MIDCs, Zilla Parishads, Grampanchayat, MSMEs & Prospective Entrepreneurs was organised by MSME-DI, Nagpur in association with HVPM’s  College of Engineering & Technology, Amravati and CSIR-CMERI on 16th  July, 2021.  Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, was invited as the Eminent Speaker for the Virtual Event. 

Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, during his Eminent Speaker Address shared that Management of Solid Wastes is a big challenge for the Nation. Improper management of Solid Wastes is responsible for both Surface and Underground Water Pollution. The CSIR-CMERI developed Decentralised Solid Waste Management Technology (DSWMT) has a design consisting of a number of modules, which tries and provides solutions for management of every aspect of Solid Wastes. The technology provides an avenue for the MSMEs to promote indigenous Scientific Advancement instead of Importing Capital Intensive Equipment.

The main reason for the failure in managing Municipal Solid Waste pilot plants at various locations is attributed to the fact that the operational expenses are higher than the revenue earned due to the lack of selection of proper technology. In contrast, the Municipal Solid Waste management pilot plant of CSIR-CMERI offers module wise technologies for the disposal of individual components of waste which can help the user division in obtaining a sustainable model. The Municipal Solid Waste Management Pilot Plant towards ‘Zero Waste Colony’ was inaugurated in Nov-2017 and continued processing of waste. Each technology has its associated cost-benefit returns and the user is required to select from the technology bouquet the solutions that are best suited for his purpose. The DSWMT consists of 8 Modules i.e. Mechanized Segregation, Bio-Methanation, Composting, Briquetting, Pyrolysis, Plastic Agglomeration, Plasma Gasification and Bricks & Aggregates which are complied with Solid Waste Management Rule-2016.

The major component of Municipal Solid Waste is the bio-degradable waste which is present in the range of 60 - 80% by weight. Improper handling of this fraction of waste not only leads to the emission of GHGs (CH4, CO2 etc.) during its course of decomposition prior to its final destination in the landfill site but also pollutes the groundwater through percolation of leachate. 

The occurrence of pests and disease in and around the storage bins/vats and landfill area is an added menace which is beyond control. Hence, proper disposal of bio-waste at the generation site in a decentralized manner is of utmost importance as it only taps the energy from the waste through production of biogas in anaerobic digesters. Moreover, briquettes from the wastes, compost and vermi-compost also adds to the sustainability of the model thereby reducing the cost of transportation and the associated pollution from fossil fuel combustion in vehicles carrying wastes. The voluminous segregated plastic waste and high bulk density inert waste can be collected, segregated and disposed in a centralized pilot plant to be developed zone wise in an eco-friendly way. The inclusion of self-help groups, rag pickers will lead to downstream employment generation and overall growth of the region.

The CSIR-CMERI DSWMT is being implemented in CRPF Group Centre, Durgapur, Senapati, Imphal East, Imphal West, Bishupur Districts of Manipur and Plastic Agglomeration Module at all 16 Districts of Manipur. Efforts are also underway for the installation of a 5 Tonnes per Day DSWMT plant for Fruit and Vegetable Wastes, to be sponsored by the Punjab Mandi Board, Mohali. The technologies are available in modular form and have been already transferred.Skill Development Program for different beneficiaries are being organized for scientific insight and knowledge dissemination among people.

Shri P. M. Parlewar, Director, MSME-DI, Nagpur stated that we all are aware that the Municipal Solid Waste is a burning issue across the country and to handle this problem, we need to have the solution which has been provided by CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur. MSME is the apex organization in the sector which is engaged in formulating policies and schemes and its implementation all over the country. There are a number of schemes of the MSME towards technological and financial support and up gradation of the MSME sector in the country. He called upon the MSME sector and entrepreneurs to come forward for commercialization of the CSIR-CMERI developed indigenous technology of Municipal Solid Waste so that the technology can be adopted at various Municipal Corporations thereby providing mutual benefits to the MSMEs, Municipal Corporations and the society at large.

Other speakers of the Webinar included Shri P. M. Parlewar, Director, MSME-DI, Nagpur, Dr. A. B. Marathe, Principal, HVPM’s College of Engineering & Technology and Shri Rahul Kumar Mishra, MSME-DI, Nagpur besides participating a number of entrepreneurs from Micro and Small Enterprises.



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