Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
FD pays tribute to Bhagat Singh on Martyrs’ day
Posted On:
22 MAR 2021 8:49PM by PIB Mumbai
Every year, 23rd March is observed as Martyrs’ Day to pay tributes to the freedom fighters who had laid down their lives for independence of India, especially three extraordinary revolutionary freedom fighters - Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev - who were martyred while fighting the imperial British government for freedom of the mother land.
Films Division is screening two films made on great freedom fighter-revolutionary, Shaheed Bhagat Singh on 23rd March, 2021 to mark Martyr’s Day. Bhagat Singh (English/1970/ 20 Min/Prem Prakash) is a biopic which traces the life of Bhagat Singh from his childhood, his education in Lahore, his contact with other revolutionaries and the day he went to the gallows with a smiling face. Maha Mrutyunjaya Bhagat Singh (Hindi /2005/21Min/Surindar Sahni) highlights the contribution of Bhagat Singh as one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement. This fictional film attempts to reconstruct historical moments and presents a life sketch of Bhagat Singh and his emergence as a prominent freedom fighter.
Both the films will be streamed on Films Division website, ‘Documentary of the Week’ section and also on YouTube channel, on 23rd March, 2021 for 24 hours.
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(Release ID: 1706743)
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