India leads deliberations on second day of the Governing Body meeting of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- India leads creation of option for implementation of Farmers Rights (FR)
Second day of GB9 deliberated on two most significant issues of Plant Treaty. Due to incessant efforts of India, an expert group on FR was constituted in 2017 and India led in the group as Co-chair. India ensured discussion of the group even during pandemic and prepared a set of options and future process for implementing FR in any country.
- India leads revival of enhancement of multilateral system
From 2019, all formal meetings were suspended. India along with Switzerland organized an informal meeting at UN-Geneva and prepared a based document for GB9 to deliberate. As a result, a Contact Group is constituted under the co-chairmanship of India to decide the future process.
- More than 60 delegates visited India’s National Genebank located at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) in Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
Delegates of Norway, Serbia and Zimbabwe interacted with Director, NBPGR and expressed their happiness after seeing the second largest Genebank of the world.
- India calls for capacity building to use the Global Information System (GLIS)
On the second day of the ninth session of the Governing Body meeting (GB9) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), progress of the GLIS on PGRFA was deliberated during the late evening session. India, as member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, proposed that use of GLIS needs capacity building among Contracting Parties.
- India calls for continued efforts towards Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA
New tool box and background studies were appreciated by GB9. India, as member of Committee on Conservation and Sustainable Use, proposed joint programs with international and regional organizations/institutes to fulfil this agenda.