Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Rural Development
09 SEP 2022 12:23PM by PIB Delhi
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission leads social mobilisation campaign to bring left out households under its fold

Ministry of Rural Development is conducting a 15 day country-wide campaign from 7th to 20th of September, 2022 to expedite the process of mobilisation of left-out poor rural poor women across 34 states and Union Territories into women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) under DAY-NRLM’s fold.

During the campaign, women institutions from each village will a conduct social mobilization event where each member will bring a friend, or neighbour who is a non-SHG member with them. The benefits of being a part of DAY-NRLM SHGs will be highlighted, and those non-members, thus motivated to join will be linked with these community institutions. Special strategies are also being prepared by block level staff across states to reach women in remote gram panchayats.

The campaign also aims to ensure that SHGs are included into higher-level federations; tier two level Village Organisations (VOs) and tier three level Cluster Level Federations (CLFs ).

The Ministry’s vision is that such federated structures will evolve into community-managed institutions of the poor that can lead programmes for livelihood and social development. Bank accounts will be opened for all the SHGs, VOs and CLFs within seven days of being formed.

The campaign was announced on the 5th of September by Shri Nagendra Nath Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development. As on 31st August, more than 8.5 crore families have been linked with 78.33 lakh SHGs under DAY-NRLM’s fold.
