Coal Ministry Reviews Non-operational Captive & Commercial coal blocks of Jharkhand
The status of 20 non-operational captive and commercial coal blocks of Jharkhand state was reviewed by Additional Secretary & Nominated Authority of the Ministry of Coal in the presence of officers of Ministry of EF&CC, PCCF, Jharkhand, Director (Mines & Geology), Jharkhand and project proponents.
The Ministry of Coal appreciated the improvement in overall status of non-operational coal blocks of Jharkhand and the assistance provided by the State mining and forest department. It was observed that about 3 to 4 coal blocks will get mine opening permission and coal production will start from four coal blocks in during this financial year. Production from captive & commercial coal blocks of Jharkhand is likely to be about 37.3 million ton in 2022-23 against 17.72 million ton in 2021-22 and thus, there will be 110.4 % increase in coal production this year over 2021-22.
Ministry of Coal assured to provide all possible support in resolving the issues faced by the project proponents.