Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
23 AUG 2022 2:45PM by PIB Delhi
Notification regarding Amendment in Rule 50 of the CMVR, 1989

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways vide GSR 104(E) dated 11.02.2020 had amended rule 50(v) of CMVR, 1989 which prescribed as under:-

“(v) the plate shall be fastened with non-removable / non- reusable snap lock fitting system on rear of the vehicle;The license plates with all the above specifications and the specified registrations for a new vehicle shall be issued by the registering authority or vehicle manufacturers and their dealers and for existing old registered vehicle shall be issued by registering authority or vehicle manufacturers and their dealers or by the approved licence plate manufacturers or their dealers. The Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi or any agency authorised under rule 126 shall approve the security registration as per the provisions of this rule.”

However, in rule 50(v), there was no specific mention about State Government. Hence, it was being misinterpreted that for the existing old registered vehicles license plates can also be issued by any approved license plate manufacturers or their dealers.

 To clarify this, MoRTH vide G.S.R. 640(E) dated 18th August, 2022 has amended rule 50(v) of CMVR, 1989 and the words “approved licence plate manufacturers or their dealers” have been substituted by the words “licence plate manufacturers or their dealers approved by the State/UT Government Administration”.

Click here to see the Gazette Notification
