Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
02 AUG 2022 4:56PM by PIB Delhi
PMS for SC and ST

Under the Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for students belonging to Scheduled Castes studies in India (PMS-SC) and Post-Matric Scholarship for ST students (PMS-ST) Schemes, the number of seats is not fixed as both the schemes are demand driven. All SC/ST students whose family income is less than RS 2.5 lakh are eligible for scholarship.

The year-wise number of total beneficiaries under PMS-SC & PMS-ST is attached as Annexure I.

The list of courses under various groups, available for SC and ST beneficiaries under the above said schemes are given at Annexure II.

All courses covered under the categories of Groups mentioned in (b) above can be pursued under the Schemes, which may include courses in robotics and Artificial Intelligence.


Under the schemes, only group-wise data of the courses is available. Individual course-wise details are not available.

Under the PMS-SC Scheme, all seats filled through arbitrary and non-transparent processes (including management quota, NRI quota, spot admissions etc.), without following the merit criteria as decided by the State Government are not eligible for scholarship.

Under PMS-ST Scheme, there is no specific provision regarding students admitted in Management Quota. The data of students admitted under Management quota is not maintained.



 (i) Number of Beneficiaries covered under Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students :

No. of Beneficiaries for 2019-20

No. of Beneficiaries for 2020-21

No. of Beneficiaries during 2021-22




(ii) Number of Beneficiaries covered under Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for ST Students :

No. of Beneficiaries covered in 2019-20

No. of Beneficiaries covered in 2020-21

No. of Beneficiaries covered in 2021-22







The details of courses as per revised PMS-SC scheme:




Degree and Post Graduate level professional courses" shall mean: all Professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Planning, Architecture, Design, Fashion Technology, Agriculture, Veterinary & Allied Sciences, Management, Business Finance /Administration, Computer Science/ Applications (ii) Post Graduate Diploma courses in various branches of Management & Medicine(iii) C.A./I.C.W.A./C.S./I.C.F.A. etc. (iv) M.Phil., Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral Programmes (D.Lit., D.Sc. etc.) of Group I, Group II and Group III courses.(v) L.L.B, Integrated L.L.B, L.L.M


Other Professional Courses leading to Degree, Diploma, Certificate" shall mean all Professional Courses leading to Degree, M Ed. / M. Pharma., Diploma, Certificate in areas like Pharmacy (B Pharma.), Nursing(B Nursing), BFS, other paramedical branches like rehabilitation, diagnostics etc., Mass Communication, Hotel Management & Catering, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality Management, Interior Decoration, Nutrition& Dietetics, Commercial Art, Financial Services (e.g. Banking, Insurance, Taxation etc.) for which entrance qualification is minimum Sr. Secondary (10+2) and Vocational stream, ITI courses and Polytechnic where entrance qualification is Class XII or above.


Graduate and Post Graduate course" shall mean: courses not covered under Group 1& Group 2 e.g. B.A / B.Sc. / B.Com etc. M.A/ M. Sc./ M.Com etc.


All post-matriculation (Post Class X level) non-degree courses" shall mean: All post-matriculation level non-degree courses for which entrance qualification is High School (Class X), e.g. Senior secondary certificate (class XI and XII); both general and vocational stream, ITI courses, 3 year diploma courses in Polytechnics, etc.



The details of courses as per PMS-ST scheme:



Group I

  1. Degree and post Graduate Level courses including M.Phil., Ph.D and Post Doctoral research in Medicine (Allopathic, Indian and other recognized systems of medicines), Engineering, Technology, Planning, Architecture, Design, Fashion Technology, Agriculture, Veterinary & allied Sciences, Management, Business Finance/Administration, Computer Science/Applications.

(ii)Post Graduate Diploma courses in various branches of management & medicine

(iii)C.A./I.C.W.A./C.S./I.C.F.A. etc.

(iv)M.Phil., Ph.D, and Post Doctoral Programmes (D. Litt., D.Sc. etc.):-

(a) In existing Group II courses

(b) In existing Group III courses

  1. L.L.M.

Group Il


(i)Graduate/Post Graduate courses leading to Degree, Diploma, Certificate in areas like Pharmacy (B Pharma), Nursing (B Nursing), LLB, BFS, other para-medical branches like rehabilitation, diagnostics etc., Mass Communication, Hotel Management & Catering, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality management, Interior Decoration, Nutrition & dietetics, Commercial Art, Financial Services (e.g. Banking, Insurance, Taxation etc.) for which entrance qualification is minimum Sr. Secondary (10+2)

(ii) Post Graduate courses not covered under Group-I e.g. M.A./M.Sc./M.Com/M.Ed./M Pharma etc.


All other courses leading to a graduate degree not covered under Group I & II e.g. BA/B.Sc/B.Com etc.

Group IV

All post-matriculation level non-degree courses for which entrance qualification is High School (Class X), e.g. senior secondary certificate (class XI and XII): both general and vocational stream, ITI courses, 3 year diploma courses in Polytechnics, etc.


This information was given by The Minister of State Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Ramdas Athawale in the Lok Sabha in a written reply today.
