Identification of new coal mines by Government is a continuous process and the newly identified coal mines are allocated under the provisions of Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957 [MMDR Act]. Since 2015,18 newly identified coal mines have been allocated by Central Government to various Government and private companies under the provisions of MMDR Act.
Coal production from the above-mentioned 18 coal mines has not started so far.
Out of the above-mentioned 18 coal mines, approved mining plan is not available for 11 coal mines for assessment of peak rated capacity. For, the remaining 7 coal mines, the cumulative peak rated capacity is 41.87 Million Tonnes Per Annum. Once the above-mentioned 18 coal mines will become functional and attain their peak rated capacity, the percentage of average coal production will definitely increase.
This information was given by the Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri PralhadJoshi in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.